Collaborative & Transformational Teams™


Collaborative and Transformational Team (CTT™) sessions are designed from 1:1 interviews with each team member for the purpose of obtaining a current assessment of the team. We facilitate a two-day virtual or on-site immersion where team members are fast-tracked to recognize their individual and collective strengths and weaknesses, breakdowns, blind spots and dysfunctions. We hold team members accountable to creating the outcome they say they want, through a range of processes and in-the-moment conversations.

Leadership Team Members are guided through the work of realizing their fullest business potential to be a dynamic and congruent team that chooses to work from their mission, principles and values with a trust-based, creative, innovative and collaborative transformational mindset.

In order for any team to evolve from a team of individuals demonstrating Conflicted and Competitive behaviors to an interdependent team demonstrating Congruent and Collaborative actions, an intervention is required.


An innovative operating system for transforming business leaders


An intervention is required for a team to move from step 2 to step 3.

The BlackWolf model offers an empowering, pragmatic, and behavioral approach to transformation process through virtual or on-site workshops for leadership teams

Looking for a more immersive, step-by-step program?
Our 12 month Collaborative and Transformational Leadership Acceleration (CTLA™) program takes all team members on a journey of personal leadership, interpersonal leadership and team and organizational leadership growth.

Contact Blackwolf to get started